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For The Challengers. The Rebels. The Innovators.


Public Relations
Analyst Relations
Social Listening

Find out how Resonance combines the art of storytelling with innovation, behavioural science, data science and first-hand technology expertise to deliver business outcomes.


We have entered a new epoch, one defined by data and AI. As industries increasingly rely on data to differentiate themselves from competitors and drive decision making, so too does the need for clear, precise, and impactful communication increase.

Resonance ensure messages are not only heard but resonate with the right audience, making them uniquely positioned to serve businesses in this transformative age.


tom-1"The intricacies of the data-driven landscape is written into the DNA of Resonance. We are built for the data economy."

Our Approach

We pride ourselves on taking a unique and innovative approach to every project we undertake. Our team of experts combines their extensive knowledge and experience to deliver exceptional results for our clients.

Our Expertise

We have a deep understanding and mastery of our craft. Our team of experts brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table, allowing us to tackle any project with confidence and precision. 

We stay ahead of the curve by constantly staying updated on the latest industry trends and technologies. This enables us to provide innovative solutions that exceed expectations.

Our Vision

We envision a world where businesses thrive and excel, empowered by our innovative solutions and strategic approach. Our goal is to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients, helping them achieve their business objectives and stay ahead of the competition.



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Every brand has its challenges, we're here to help.

Our specialists are at the forefront of cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence and cloud computing, staying ahead of the curve to deliver innovative solutions that drive tangible results for our clients.

With a proven track record of success, Resonance is your trusted partner for all your technical needs. 

Explore our solutions to your marketing challenges.

From AI to Cloud, Resonance proudly boasts a team of seasoned professionals with an unrivalled depth of technical expertise.

tom-1"In Tech PR we have a front row seat to the changing technology landscape. From Generative AI to Quantum, it's our job to insert our clients' voices into the narrative"

Our specialists are at the forefront of cutting-edge advancements in artificial intelligence and cloud computing, staying ahead of the curve to deliver innovative solutions that drive tangible results for our clients.

With a proven track record of success, Resonance is your trusted partner for all your marketing needs. 

Read our Case Studies

Resonance works with the challengers, the rebels and the innovators. Read about some of our work.


Aiven was looking to cement its open source credits, Resonance analysed terabytes of Github data to create a PR news story.


When Google and Yahoo announced upcoming changes to their email policies, Resonance leveraged the news to raise EasyDMARC's global presence.

Insights from Resonance


News and views from the Resonance team.


Data and insights have never been more crucial in a world plagued with uncertainty and complexity.

Resonance interviewed 100 analyst relations professionals and found Analyst Relations (AR) has become a central force that brings strategic, competitive edges to businesses.


Claire-1"In a world where the only constant is change, how do tech brands stay one step ahead of the market? That's where Resonance comes in"

Wavelength is our regular podcast bringing you influential voices in B2B technology from journalists to marketing leaders .

Listen to our episode where we interviewed Seb Moss of DataCenterDynamics on all things Data Centre-related

Seb Moss Wavelength


Resonance is a B2B tech PR, AR and content marketing consultancy that helps brands grow.

Our passion and energy comes from the blurring of corporate reputation management and demand generation.

We are technology, business and communications experts made up of a team of computer scientists, journalists and marketing communication specialists.

Jess"Resonance is a group of technology, business and communications experts"

prcacouncil2023  CMS

Resonance is a proud member of the PRCA and holds its CMS accreditation. Our founding team members hold senior positions on the PRCA Council helping to share the future of the PR industry.


We're always on the look-out for great talent to join the team. If you're an exceptional Account Director, Account Manager - or a grad looking to build a career in Tech PR - then get in touch!


Find out more about our culture and the values that everyone who works for us embodies.

3 min read

Remote working: a beginner’s guide

Remote working: a beginner’s guide

For everyone around the world, 2020 is turning into a bit of a rollercoaster ride. For me, the year began full of excitement as I started my new job and career in PR at Resonance. Building on my past experience in content writing and journalism, I threw myself into the world of technology PR.

The first two months went by very smoothly. I was given the opportunity to work on lots of interesting projects including blog and op-ed writing, pitching stories to journalists, and compiling research on new business prospects.

I quickly found myself getting used to my new routine. I became a regular London commuter, discovered the best street-food options nearby, and came to enjoy our regular drinks after work at the amazing free bar at WeWork!

Working in PR, we had all been aware for many weeks about the growing COVID-19 crisis. To the naiveté of many people, myself included, it seemed like it would always remain a distant problem - how times change! In March coronavirus hit the UK hard, forcing Resonance – like lots of other businesses – to shift to a remote working model.

Suddenly, my meetings with new colleagues were all virtual, I had to navigate platforms I hadn’t used before, and I was unsure about where the new measures left me in my role. My managers, however, were quick to reassure me. It says a lot for the sense of community at Resonance that I feel like I have been here for a lot longer.

By making me feel welcome from Day One, I felt part of the team wherever I was – which actually prepared me for the unprecedented disruption created by COVID-19. We all have daily face-to-face chats via Zoom, and even the occasional virtual post-work drink. These little touches keep the team together and have really helped me still feel like a part of the business.

It’s now a over a month into remote working and I’m starting to get to grips with the personal steps I need to take to stay productive, healthy and sane during this strange time. Added to this, I've just passed my probation and become Resnance's newest Account Executive which I'm delighted about. 

For other grads and people in my position, I’ve included some tips that have helped me during self-isolation;

  1. Develop a routine: This has been really key. I try to build structure around my working day to at least give it the ostensible form of normality. This can be as simple as getting up at the same time every day or having an allotted time at lunchtime or in the evening for exercise.


  1. Exercising regularly: In my house, we have taken it a step further and produced an exercise schedule with different activities throughout the week. I find that staying active helps me blow off steam and disconnect from the stresses of the world right now.

I particularly love my 5km run around the local area – though it does now involve lots of crossing the road to stay socially distanced! Whether it is hitting a new time, a new distance, or adding in more repetitions to your sets, exercise is a fabulous goal-oriented activity to stay motivated.


  1. Working on a skill: Like many, I’m trying to use this time to learn and improve my skillset. I am continuing to write in my spare time about other passions in my life.

At university I studied history and I still love to write about the great events of the past. I recently completed a feature for a history magazine on the Battle of Okinawa in World War II; a story of a clash of nations, brave men, and terrible suffering. Whilst this may seem a million miles from technology, any kind of writing helps you continue refining your technique and expressing yourself in a way that feels fresh, informative and engaging for the reader – qualities I try to the content we deliver at Resonance.


  1. Socialising, albeit virtually: Above all, keeping talking to people has really given me valuable perspective during this time. At work, Slack conversations have helped me to preserve the morning chats that are part of the regular eb and flow of being at work. Outside work, scheduling video calls or just chatting online with friends and family is a fabulous way to cut down on the sense of isolation we are all feeling.

In many ways, we are so lucky to live in this time of incredible technology connectivity. We have social media, high-quality video calls, and other communication tools that allows everyone to stay linked together. A pandemic of this scale, perhaps no more than 15 years ago, would have been very different indeed.